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Help with creating a new hair mesh

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Hi all, I've been following tumbajamba's tutorial as well as gerokeymaster's youtube series on custom meshes. I have a model I've created in 3ds max, based off of a vanilla mesh, and it shows up fine in nifskope. However, after carefully following both their guides on editing the .nif I still can't get my mesh to show up properly in-game.


Instead of this:


I get this:

That's the new hair mesh, filling up the entire screen, from every angle.


For anyone who's more experienced at this, are there any ideas about what I could be overlooking or doing wrong? Sorry if my post is light on details. I've double (and triple...) checked my settings when importing and exporting the mesh from 3ds max, and I've been very careful to go back and double check that I'm editing the proper values in nifskope. I do realize I'm doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what I'm not seeing!

Edited by roboasimov
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