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I was hoping someone could help me find some new hair retextures. I've searched and came up empty handed. I'm somewhat suprised that more people havent retextured the hair. The default textures are really sub-dx9 ish.


Thanks for any help

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I was hoping someone could help me find some new hair retextures. I've searched and came up empty handed. I'm somewhat suprised that more people havent retextured the hair. The default textures are really sub-dx9 ish.


Thanks for any help


Agreed, I was about to actually start retexturing them myself to make fine hair verses rope hair standards they have (seriously...as thick as rope..and combed with a pitchfork).


But then I got distracted and started playing the game instead...still, this seems like such an easy retexture job. just increase dramatically the resolution and strand count for the texture and voila..done...no more mophead look.


Instead, we get 300 different terrible nude packs (and like 2 good ones) that will all be redundant once the kit comes out anyhow...


Agreed again...someone hit the hair..

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If it would be easy for you, and you want it, do it. A request forum should not be for things that you are simply too lazy to do yourself. It's one thing to say, "I want this, but I don't know how to do it; could someone please do it for me?" It's quite another to say, "I want this, and my time is so much more valuable than yours that you should do it for me, even though I could do it myself."
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