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Gun rack peg issue


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So I'm trying my hand at making static mashups using outfit studio, thanks entirely to Elianora's tutorial, but I've run into a bit of a snag. I'm trying to make a weapon display rack but I can't get the little pegs that hold the weapons on to work. Firstly, I obtained a .nif of a single peg by opening the vanilla GunBoard.nif into Outfit Studio and deleting everything else except for a single peg, then saving it as a separate file. Then, I dragged that file back into outfit studio and built my weapon rack, everything seemed fine. But when I loaded up the game the pegs were all bright pink, somehow they lost their texture. Also when I opened the single peg .nif in nifskope it had a bunch of extra data attached to it to do with Laser Rifle parts, and it had no BSShaderTextureSet which i'm assuming is why it has no texture. Basically, I have no idea what I'm doing in nifskope and I was wondering if anybody could help me, let me know what I'm doing wrong and how I could safely make a .nif of a single peg that I can use with my weapon rack.

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