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Skyrim Read/Write Error


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So I recently installed steam on my SDD to reduce load times. I then modded my game with all the same mods I had on my HDD. My game launches and everything, but when I get in game Wearable lanterns comes up with Read/Write error don't continue blah blah. So I then noticed that most of the mods I have installed, and the ESP and all that is checked and should be loading just fine, are not loading in my MCM. Yes, I did wait a while for the usual load times it takes. So I made sure I unchecked the read only thing for my Skyrim folder, still have the problem. I then close steam, run as admin, and run SKSE as admin, the same problem. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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  1. <Quote from wearable lantern change log = Added a profile read / write test to Wearable Lantern's start-up sequence. If you have a Windows file permission issue that would prevent you from saving your profile settings, Wearable Lanterns will alert you about it..>
  2. <So I then noticed that most of the mods I have installed, and the ESP and all that is checked and should be loading just fine, are not loading in my MCM>
  • If not already been done and using NMM, you may use skse to launch the game : installation here (should overwritte your manual installation) and once installed, launch the game right-clicking in the steam icon in the system tray and choosing skyrim skse. This will ensure skse is launched with the game and works fine, (required for MCM menus)
  • If using skse thru MO, refer to the installation recommandations + Mod organiser STEP guide.
  • Make sure EnableDiagnostics=1 is enabled in SKSE.ini to ensure that you are warned of any missing plugins before you start the game.
  • If the MCM menus don't show up and your mods are correctly installed / recognized by your mod manager : open the console commands and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 and press enter. Close the console. You may also use MCM Kicker.

Hope this helps.

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  1. <Quote from wearable lantern change log = Added a profile read / write test to Wearable Lantern's start-up sequence. If you have a Windows file permission issue that would prevent you from saving your profile settings, Wearable Lanterns will alert you about it..>
  2. <So I then noticed that most of the mods I have installed, and the ESP and all that is checked and should be loading just fine, are not loading in my MCM>
  • If not already been done and using NMM, you may use skse to launch the game : installation here (should overwritte your manual installation) and once installed, launch the game right-clicking in the steam icon in the system tray and choosing skyrim skse. This will ensure skse is launched with the game and works fine, (required for MCM menus)
  • If using skse thru MO, refer to the installation recommandations + Mod organiser STEP guide.
  • Make sure EnableDiagnostics=1 is enabled in SKSE.ini to ensure that you are warned of any missing plugins before you start the game.
  • If the MCM menus don't show up and your mods are correctly installed / recognized by your mod manager : open the console commands and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 and press enter. Close the console. You may also use MCM Kicker.

i use NMM i have installed everything correctly but i get the read/write error for wearable lantern's i EnableDiagnostics=1 and i have skse64 and all that good stuff but i do not know if i have the read/write so how do i do the read/write in my skse.ini file?

Edited by seanfire99
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