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OOO Sneak attack 1x only!?


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Hey guys, I remember at the start of the game, when I sneak attacked a goblin, I get 6x criticals.


But now whenever I manage to do a sneak attack, I will only get 1x critical. Why is this so? I majored in sneak, and the bug is really annoying. There's no point for me to sneak anymore :(


Could it be because I'm using a two handed weapon? I decided to use a two handed weapon this playthrough instead of my boring, standard shield and sword. Bug or intentional? If intentional, how do I fix it? It's retarded to penalize two handed weapons so much. I can't even find a two handed blade weapon with special effects on it, whereas I've found tons of shortswords with burning and electrical effects.



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The 6x sneak damage doesn't apply to two handed weapons. It's because they have a way higher base-damage but a slow attack rating to balance it out.


Give enchanting a shot if you think, there aren't enough magical two handed weapons out there. ;)


OMG so you're saying:


Two handed weapons: Very little chance of magical effects (I only saw a warhammer with fire once), slow attack speed (it's slower compared to shortswords) and NO SNEAK CRITICALS. Damage currently: 11, for the two handed katana.


One handed weapons: HIGH chance of magical effects, fast attack speed and HAVE SNEAK CRITICALS. Damage currently: 7 for, say, a steel shortsword. (Plus 5 from the fire damage)


Balanced much. D:


The only time I decided to use two handed weapons, it had to be so...weak.


Anyway, is it possible for me to mod the stuff? Just a 2.5x crit will do..


Sorry for my rant haha

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Anyway, is it possible for me to mod the stuff? Just a 2.5x crit will do.

Unfortunately, no. There is no modifiable setting to change that will allow sneak damage for 2h weapons.




Well...how about this then? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4550


Is this compatible?

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