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Remove enchantment option


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Would love an option to take seriously great looking stuff and remove the crappy enchantment on it to put a better one on (or alter mine later on when I no longer need the enchantment).


Not just a console command or something, but perhaps an option in the enchantment table, and you remove based on your skill at enchanting...such as a level 1 n00b probably cannot likely remove the epic enchantment of magic regen...but he can end up destroying the item all together in the process by accident (but at least he gains a little bit of enchantment xp in the process..so not a total loss).


I ask this mostly because some of the coolest armor also has semi low level enchantments on it which makes it utterly useless beyond hanging in the wardrobe. I don't mind weapons...hell, if they suck, I just toss em...swords and axes are a dime a dozen, but things like the nightingale armor, thalmore robes, archmage, etc...these unique items are rubbish if you can't tweak them for your character


Agreed? what say you?

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It can be useful to be able to do that. I agree.


I'd also love to disenchant a weapon so i can smith it. Im a noobish smith.

I want to improve the base damage of a nice axe i found but i cant cuz its enchanted.

I know i can put perks in it but that will require leveling my smithing up. Thats annoying grinding so i dont bother.

Edited by topeira
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It can be useful to be able to do that. I agree.


I'd also love to fisenchany a weapon so i can snith it. Im a noobish smith.


That last line made little sense, but I think you said you want to smith enchanted weapons

Which you can once you get arcane smith ability...check your smithing tree out to see what unlocks when you put perks in em


I hate the smithing grind..its highly annoying.

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It can be useful to be able to do that. I agree.


I'd also love to fisenchany a weapon so i can snith it. Im a noobish smith.


That last line made little sense, but I think you said you want to smith enchanted weapons

Which you can once you get arcane smith ability...check your smithing tree out to see what unlocks when you put perks in em


I hate the smithing grind..its highly annoying.


Lol. Oh my, i had way too many typos there. Im typing on the iphone.

I edited that post. And i agree with you.

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