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Creating Armor / Texture prob


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Hi guys actually im trying to make armor for Skyrim but I already have problem xD

Not that much, skinning ect work fine.

Im stuck of the state of the parameter texture on Nifskop, im an explorer.

Here is my prob IG :





I want to "over layer an armor part" in this case the arm overlaye the tee-shirt and the teeshirt overlayer the pant.

Or there is a "dont get transparent part" ? I cheked other nif armor mod and i put the same parameter I dont know what i did wrong :/


(body part below)




btw im using 3DSmax and Substance Painter for texture so dont say its about Blender parameter I wont get anything xD


I want to make ton of casual clothe, anime style ect but im stuck at this rate and i was so close T_T


Thank you :smile:

Edited by Hitanaxu
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Screenshots is from skyrim?


All you have to do is move some vertices forward y axis for the place pants is clipping.

Look bootom of shirt armhole. its vertex is too far out on x axis ., move em in so armhole fits inside armpit.


That was first thought. Now look on tiny nifskope pic and i can see its different. Your skin weight is screwed up in the armpit.

So after adjust vertices, adjust weight painting.


Your problem having nothing to do with the shader settings.

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