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Reanimate Thrall


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Hello all. Small problem, not game breaking or anything, but slightly annoying. I use Dead Thrall all the time, raising those zombies, etc. However, no matter how many times I conjure dremora to dispell them, the active effect, "Reanimate Thrall" is still active, making NPCs notice and say inane things about dangerous magic. Does anyone know a console command to remove active effects? Or some sort of in-game workaround to fix this?
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You might be able to use another that bug I encountered to fix it.

The Lightning Cloak spell makes all my zombies/summons die/dispel whenever I cast it.

if you don't have it yet, the console code is: player.addspell 3aea3

At lower levels you may not have enough magicka to cast it, (317 w/o perks), so toggle god mode for the casting: tgm

If you want the spell gone afterwards, use: player.removespell 3aea3

Stay away from friendly NPCs while the cloak is active (60s)

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