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Argonians should be primal !!


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its not so much a preconceived notion as a... well its just evolution. would u think it logical if they had the dragons fight u with sword and shield? because the argonians, anatomically, are closer to dragons than humans right? maybe i named the thread wrong but my thing isnt a culture thing its a they-have-badass-mouths-but-never-bite thing.

the cats have stronger unarmed attack, playing to their evolution-brought anatomical strengths, so why not the lizards? as it is theyre more like fish men since all they can do is breathe underwater :P


Evolution doesn't really have anything to do with the Argonians though... They were created by the Hist. At least, that's the only explination we're given for them. THey are something of a servitor race, bound to the Hist, and usually serve them as diplomats, tenders, and from time to time soldiers. By and large, however, the environment of Black Marsh protects the Hist enough, so there wasn't much need to make the Argonians into feral, destructive creatures.


Also, despite their appearance, based on their environment, their culture and their overall way of life, their actually more like Salamanders and Frogs than lizzards...

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