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A Robobrain Companion, Please?


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I really like Robobrains; I think that they are very interesting enemies: human brains placed into robot bodies. They had to be memory-wiped regularly or personalities would begin to develop. Since the Great War, they've run amuck. They have varied personalities, but nearly all kill on sight due to their programming. Some Robobrains like to follow their programming and enjoy the killing. Some hate doing it, and they literally ask you to not take it personally, going as far as to tell you to run before they get you, as they have no choice but to follow their programming.


But I said NEARLY all. There are some exceptions. Some have other programming. I was hoping that someone with sophisticated (or sophisticated enough to get the job done) modding capabilities could make a mod that gives you a Robobrain companion for me. I have nothing to return but thanks. I know nothing of making mods, just playing them.


Here's what I would like for it:


-I would like for it to be fully functioning, with a companion wheel and all.

-I would like for it to be stand-alone, as in, I don't have to download other superfluous mods that I don't like.

-I would like for it to have as much dialogue as possible. This could be achieved by taking their existing voice files, correct?

-If the voice files are taken, I would like, if possible, the female voice files present in Fallout 3 over the male voice files in New Vegas.

-I would like the Robobrain to be a balanced companion and not overpowering.

-If at all possible, I would like his/her appearance to have some significance. Don't just make him/her appear out of nowhere with no backstory. Even if it is just a simple line about how he/she was reprogrammed to follow you around, or how he/she escaped a prototype Robobrain bunker, or anything. You're the modder; be creative!

-Do NOT name it Robobrain. Give it a special name.

-Oh and if you give it the male voice, then make the Robobrain a male. If you're able to get the female voice, then it'll be female. I know that they are merely voice synthesizers and don't necessarily correlate to their actual gender, but I don't want a crossgendered Robobrain.

-I would like for it to be able to be sent to the Lucky 38 like normal companions.


I would like those things, but I can be flexible if some don't work out.


I know there are some modders who can make companions quickly, so I know there's people out there who can help. D: But I'll take even a novice's help. Thank you for your time.



EDIT: Basing the Robobrain off of Skynet (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Skynet) would be cool if at all possible. It would go best with the female voice.

Edited by MurderMachineX
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Sounds cool! I have always enjoyed the idea of a robot companion that was a full personality. ED-E is cool and all, kinda a personal R2-D2 but I want something with personality: Kryten from Red Dwarf, C3 PO, even the robot from Lost in Space (the show not the movie), any of the robots from Buck Rogers. All excellent examples of robots with personality.
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@sedatedgenius83: Thanks :D Could you let me know how it goes? (like, when you finish the one you're working on, if/when you try to make this one, if it succeeds)


@greenknightfury: Thanks. But what I like about the Robobrains is that they aren't entirely robots. They were born humans, and now resemble something completely different.

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You used to be able to have a Robobrain companion in Fallout 2 (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) .. was always one of my favs .. Funnily enough it was called Skynet :P


In all fairness .. it shouldn't be hard to make .. especially if you have Old World Blues DLC .. Make some dog/experiment/whatever have "fresh brains" on their corpse, go to the research lab where you can create robobrains, make a script to have a fresh brain be accepted by the terminal and create a follower with it ..


In theory, of course..

Edited by apixaez
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