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The mission with DRAGONSTONE


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I tried many times to do this mission, but I couldnt due to many reasons....

I got lost...hmmm....or I couldnt pass a door...and others

I will explain you how to do it .


You enter the mission on the top of the snow mountain where is a weird rock construction...You enter the door where is a sign.

You meet 2 men which u must kill. After that continue your way.At some moment, a giant spider will fall from the ceiling and attack you.

You defeat him and have to set free a man caught in spider web.Do it with fire spells (or weapons but im not sure it works)

He will run away..Press alt or shift for Sprint and kill him.Press E near his body and take the Golden Claw.The same, continue your way....

Next is simple.But I will tell you 2 codes you will need to open doors.

At the first one with pillars, right the combination is from left to right Snake-Snake-Fish and pull that trigger in front of the door.(dont do it before the combination!) only if u want to be shot by arrows....)

The second one is a metal door with 3 semi circles..a bird, an insect and a bear.The order is from down to up like this : Bird(down)-Insect(middle)-Bear(up) and then activate the claw...

There will be a big wall with strange signs on it...approach wait 5 sec near the lighted words and it will say u have learned them...

Go near the 2 tables in front of the wall, and from one it will get out a zombie...Defeat him and take the Dragonstone.

After you go at left on some stairs at a hollow.Activate smth on left with E and go back to Skyrim...


Sorry for any mistakes made. :unsure: ...Hope I helped you ;D

Edited by vlad838
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