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New Creatures


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Ok, the original thread was closed by an angry moderator, so I make this new thread instead.


The goal is to add new creatures to the wasteland. Animals, Monsters, Dinosaurs, Robots, you name it.


Now, Turbosquid contains some pretty cool models, but as of yet I am unsure whether we can use those without violating their license. So, the best solution would be to have some talented 3d-modeler do the models and donate them to the public domain, so they can be used in the mods freely without worrying about hungry lawyers coming to feed like the parasites they are (hopefully insulting lawyers doesn´t violate the terms of this forum, it is free speech after all)



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Well, it looks like no angry moderator or a feral lawyer has reacted to my little insult on lawyers, after all they could sue me for libel, but only if it is targeted at a particular person I think, so insulting lawyers in general won´t land you in court, but insulting the Queen of England will see you doing time for Jus Majeste, for insulting the majesty of her royal person.
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The lifetime premium membership was expensive, but hopefully it keeps the moderators off my back. Now I don´t have the money to hire a 3d modeler, I would have to be a millionaire to do that and while we wait for that to realize (don´t hold your breath), we must hope for voluntary contributions from the community and encourage 3d modelers to donate their work to the public domain, so we can use them.
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Of course they are the modellers are entitled to have their name on their work. In academic circles it is permitted to use the text of another writer, but you must ALWAYS give credit to the author, if you don´t you´re claiming it as your own and that´s PLAGIARISM the cardinal sin of academia and you WILL get sanctioned heavily for doing it, even as far as getting thrown out of your university and if you are a professor your academic reputation will be gone. So, what I´m advocating is that the modelers donate the work for FREE USE in other mods as long as they are given credit, WITHOUT having the need to always seek out the modeler and asking for permission, it should be automatic, everyone can download and use the work as long as they credit the author. If the modelers want money for their work, they should seek employment in games companies or sell their work on Turbosquid.



Besides I´m surprised that no angry moderator has shown up to chide me for insulting lawyers, by now they must have seen the text so I guess they just don´t care what people say. If I wrote insults like that in an academic essay and I did once, it would probably be thrown in my face and rejected for being "disrespectful" or "inappropriate for academic language", but the most the teachers can do is fail your course and that´s nothing.

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The main thing that triggers moderator action is discussion of illegal activity. They do not monitor for one person insulting another, unless it is a personal insult and the recipient (or an onlooker) complains. However, most readers do form their opinions of other forum members based on what they write. So you may be sure that most readers have already formed an opinion of you, based on what you have written so far.
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And do I care of the public opinion of me? In some games servers people can vote to kick someone out, but there is no such mechanism here. No bans are placed because people have voted to throw someone out. I know discussion of illegal activity triggers moderator action, my suicide thread was closed because suicide is a crime in the US and UK. Fortunately I live in Finland and here suicide is not a crime, I can do whatever I wish to myself, the society WILL try to intervene if they think I´m dangerous to myself, but in the end theres very little they can do to stop me. Not having suicide as a crime is an indication of a more advanced judicial system I think as punishing from a failed suicide attempt sounds a bit illogical to me.
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