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Custom follower quits service if he kills anything (enemies too).


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As the title says, my custom follower quits my service if he kills, or I kill, anything, including wolves, bandits, and so on. He quits even if I don't do a thing, but he kills an enemy in my defense.


This problem began after I rewrote my quest using a new script. When I first made this voiced follower, I used the base-game quests DialogueFavorGeneric and DialogueFollower, and the follower worked great for 2 or more years. But, in the spirit of improved mod compatibility, I set up a new quest using this tutorial: http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-a-custom-follower-skyrim-modding-tutorial


I have not changed my follower's actor data at all; just the quest. AI Data and factions are of course set properly:

Unaggressive, Foolhardy, helps friends and allies, neutral mood, morality: any crime. His only factions are -1 current follower, and 0 potential follower. As I said already, the follower WAS working, so it seems to me that this problem is caused by something in the quest, perhaps caused by the script.


It is important to mention that I am running just this mod and Skyrim. Furthermore I'm using a new, generic test character that's level 1 and never been exposed to mods.


I could really use some help with this one.



Edited by Ahondara
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In the alias script for my follower quest (with the hiring and dismissal commands) there are properties to fill, including the PlayerRef property. PlayerRef did not auto-fill as I thought it had, therefore this part of the script:
Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
If (akTarget == PlayerREF)
; debug.trace(self + "Dismissing follower because he is now attacking the player")
(GetOwningQuest() as QaxeMBArgQuestScript).DismissFollower(0, 0)
...made the game think, "If follower attacks ANYTHING dismiss him." And that's what was happening. Once I filled the PlayerRef property with CELL (any) REFERENCE PlayerRef ... my player works perfectly. Kills all kinds of things.
And I lived happily ever after.
The End.
Edited by Ahondara
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