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Crossbreed Race Idea


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I was curious, but would it be possible if someone could make a Crossbreed (Dark Souls) race? I think it would probably be one of the simpler ideas to make, since it would just require adding an Argonian tail with a furry or fluffy coating on say, a Nord. And perhaps even give them a racial ability that lets you become invisible. Perhaps a little bit of fur and scales, etc where appropriate would help sell it.


Just an idea I wanted to throw out there, it would probably be a fun race to play around in.

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The modeling would be a small challenge. Then you have the no small issue of " subjective ", in that 1 user / player " sees it this way " and another " sees it that way " and 3rd ...


Well I think you get the idea?


This was brought up on Steam a good year ago or longer and that issue came up. What should they look like?


It got a tad heated and the idea died.

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