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Mods that disabe tasking visual effects


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I've already disabled most shadows (trees, grass, etc), disabled radial blur, HDR, bloom and automatic dim/brighten. Are there any mods that disable imagespace effects? And are there any mods that disable other tasking visual effects? I've already disposed of fog. I use the "teofis" command to disable imagespace.

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You wanted to get rid of visual effects, I never said your computer is weak or anything else.


Also this guide should help you understand what Skyrim modding is http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition.


If you don't follow that guide, you may have CTDS and other unpredictable results in the future.


Also that guide is should be used as a gneral idea, you don;t have to install every mod that they think is good.


You should use it as a rfrence especially for heavy modded Skyrim.

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