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CM Partners Crashing


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Hey Guys.


Been having a problem loading CM Partners Into Oblivion.

I use OBSE to start up oblivion (With OldBlivion)

And if I have CM Partners checked, I'll get to the loading screen, and ctd.


I was wondering if it's because it's conflicting with Oldblivion, or what.

If it is, are there any patches/fixes?

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  On 11/25/2011 at 10:50 PM, sgtgrif said:

Hey Guys.


Been having a problem loading CM Partners Into Oblivion.

I use OBSE to start up oblivion (With OldBlivion)

And if I have CM Partners checked, I'll get to the loading screen, and ctd.


I was wondering if it's because it's conflicting with Oldblivion, or what.

If it is, are there any patches/fixes?

Do you have both the CMPartners.esm and CMPartners.esp activated?

Edited by The_Vyper
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No, just the "Extra Partners" Or whatever that comes with the mod. That claims it adds a something of 70 npc companions to inns and taverns all over Cyrodiil. It comes with CM Partners mod, and I don't believe it claims to need any races, unless i neglected to thoroughly look over the page.
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