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Mothership Zeta bug?


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I am playing Mothership Zeta DLC and I am currently in the Experimentation area and there is a door with a force field that can only go down by blowing up another core. I blew it up and the door is still there, and I have no way to load to just before it. Is there any fix for this?
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Yeah that's one of those bugs that show up in the vanilla game.


Fallout Remastered contains a fix for that error. Install it, load up a save before you tried exploding that generator, and it will work.


And if you seriously can't load ANY saves before you tried exploding the door, you really need to learn how to save video games.


Go into the console, click the door, type zap

Edited by Jeoshua
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I have Fallout Remastered, and had it on prior to this happening, As to my saves, the only other saves I have is from before I started the DLC, I just got really into it as it is my first time playing through the DLC and forgot to save it. But thank you for the console fix, I did not know about that and it worked after I took out the door and the floor just in-front and behind it.
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