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Dragon Shout


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Hi there


Guys i was wondering if anyone out there able to recode the game so that when you enter cave and learn the dragon shout it won't be the same.

What i am trying to say is you know how when you open a treasure case and some people will get a different stuff and how about these sometime

when you are on your journey to a specific place you will meet or even fight different enemy. So instead of going to the cave and knowing what shout

you are going to learn how about if somehow we going to a random shout so that we will never know what language we going to get that way it would

be more fun so that those who start a new game will never be able to figure out where to get the most powerful shout. Please to all coder out there who

knows how to do it please make it happens and i don't think its going to take to much work on it, because what i am just saying just know its just to make

it randomly generate the shout placement ok thank you all for reading.

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