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Angry and frustrated


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Sadly, you still play with Steam hogging your system resources. Before the latest patch, you could easily bypass the Startup Menu (Play, Options, Data Files etc) by running the exe directly, this bypassed Steam and thus allowed me to play without lag. Bethesda decided to end this, out of spite I guess, I cant imagine a genuine reason for it. I cant remember who said it, but someone posted this on a forum, and I felt the need to save it to drag up at times like this:

Hogging system resources? Really? There are dozens of Windows processes that take up more, and you can't shut them down. Antivirus takes more when in idle mode. Web browsers take much, much more. IMing services, more still. People don't bat an eye at Rhapsody and other music services constantly running in the background, but *censored* about the fairly small footprint Steam has. In my monitoring, no matter what game I have, it rarely peeks above 1% processing demand and 50mb of memory. The difference between this and other DRM software is that it isn't shrouded inside the game process. Modern DRMs don't just check at startup, they check continually... mostly because they're all badly written and overseen by companies who want excessive and needless "security". I remember reading one instance where Starforce was even claimed to be using up about 30% of the overall demand of the game just in making sure that the game disc contents were never being changed or being removed after the game has started.


About the only thing remotely taxing from it is the connections when using a bad modem... But those are disabled when in offline mode.


I can understand you hating Steam for the sake of hating Steam. Or that you're upset about this extra bit of software which needs to load before playing a game. But please stop making excuses. Most of these people complaining have better systems than me, and are also, more often than not are also complaining about games being "console ports" and not pushing their computer to the limit. Do your own research, don't trust haters to tell you how "demanding" something is. When a game only uses up, at most 3-4 GB, and when you have 12GB+ installed, Steam is like a drop in the bucket.

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when I tell the game to play in offline mode, it simply does not load. What's up with that? I click the TEXV.exer file and it still goes through Steam. there is no indirect approach.


I resent that I was coerced into using Steam whether I wanted it or not. It should be illegal. I resent being treated like a fool who can't tell if he wants a patch or not. I want to load whatever mods I want without Steam dictating the procedure. I paid good money for my program just like I pay for any program and should be able to run it how I want to.


Boycott Bethesda. I promise you, many thousands of people are ticked at Bethesda enough to stop buying their games. I know I am. They will loose far more money over this Steam fiasco than they ever would over game piracy. And it gets worse every day. A Steam hacked forum releases private information and now a bugged patch which the Stupid Steam program forced on my game before I wanted it! This sucks.

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Boycott Bethesda. I promise you, many thousands of people are ticked at Bethesda enough to stop buying their games.


over dramatizing much?


lately I am disappointed in bethesda,.. but happy with them at the same time


Bethesda isnt even close to the 'evilness'(as i would put it) that other companies have sunk to.


As to any complaints about steam.. sounds like more whining, although in the OP's defence I will comment on how steams offline mode sucks... it only works if you already had an internet connection going and started it like that, so if you werent in offline mode and try to switch it with their popup thing "No internet connection! would you like to startup steam in offline mode?" it will just go into error messages and doesnt work period, locking you out of all your games.

-at least thats the issue I run into. And someone with a poor connection like the OP, I would imgaine runs into the problem also.

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Posts that hint at piracy as an alternative to Steam will be dealt with harshly. We take an extremely dim view of any, I say again, any support of Pirates, regardless of the (self-serving) proclaimed motivations.
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I don't think anyone is advocating piracy here at all. What everyone has been saying from the start is ( if you care to pay any attention ) I PAID MY HARD-EARNED MONEY FOR THIS GAME and............. You see this isn't talk of pirating any game we all paid for the game and merely want to disconnect from Steam. I also live somewhere that is out in the country and we have terrible internet service even though it is cable it goes out frequently. I have tried to play Skyrim in offline mode as some here have said and it will not load at all. I have waited for days trying to get customer service from steam to no avail and so yes I am quite angry at having Bethesda forcing us to use steam as no one should ever make any game which has no online components or content an online only game it's maddening and ridiculous. So no we are not pirating any games nor are we talking about pirating games...we paid for the game and want to play it whenever we wish without waiting for hours because of some steam error or problem without customer assistance, or spyware and without drag and without crashes but most of all without steam.


Is that a real poncho or a poncho from commercial?
Edited by zappa45
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