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Taller Wood Elves?


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Would there be any way to make taller wood elves? Or at least high elves that could have the skin/ eyes and what not of a wood elf? I just feel like a midget when playing one of them but I tend to think high elves are ugly sons of guns... If there is no way to do this without the creation kit then oh well.
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I am not 100% certain, but I think it might be possible to find the mesh for the high elves and rename it to the mesh for the wood elves. I know that you can change the skin textures around for the faces, I did it for my dark elf Naxhije thats why she looks prettier now...


I think Dark elves should be shorter, and high elves should be taller than the rest. wood elves though... could go either way for me. Over six feet tall might be interesting, or just above five feet.


If you want to increase their own mesh to make them taller, you need the ck I think. Not sure if you would have troubles with armour and clothing meshes not fitting though.

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