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Duplicate outfit for standalone mod

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I made my first mod with FO4Edit using the vanilla gas mask as a base. Someone asked my why I didn't do it with the Creation Kit instead. Now that I want to make another mod using an existing oufit I would like to do it with CK instead. I watched a tutorial on copying a weapon, renaming it and changing some stats. That part seems easy, since it just involves right-clicking on an item and duplicating it, then renaming it and save the plugin (esp). When I do this it only seems to create the esp, not the mateial, mesh and texture folders? How do I assign a new texture to the plugin? With FO4Edit I just extracted the files with BAE. With CK I'm not really sure how to do it.

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CK will pack any other files than the plugin that it detects your mod is using.


So if you for example take a clothing item and add a materialswap pointing to some custom textures it will save the bgsm and textures (the mesh will not be saved unless you are using a custom one).


However you have to choose create archive after saving a plugin for the CK to bring up the required files-dialog (if it detects that any files beyond the vanilla files is needed).

Sometimes you have to do things a bit differently for the CK compared from FO4Edit. I still prefer using FO4Edit for most things personally.


EDIT: If you click "Edit" or "Select" world model (armo) or male model/female model (arma) when you are editing your item in the CK you will get the model data-view where you can change material(s) used. Make a custom material beforehand so you can choose it in this view.


EDIT2: Nexus has a great tutorial for mswp's: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_Material_Swaps_in_Fallout_4

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So when making a mod that only changes the texture, name and stats, the mesh and material files are not needed in the mod itself because the mod is referencing files that are already in the game. That makes sense. When making the first mod I copied meshed, materials and textures for the mod.


Another thing. If I choose a vanilla outfit/armor for my mod, I need to duplicate the one in the "armor" category and the "armor addon"? And then change ID, name, texture and so on?

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Yes, also may want to add keywords and add "COBJ" so to make the armor craftable.


This has some useful information in regards to what you want to do: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091/?tab=9&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodreadme%2F%3Fid%3D6091&pUp=1


Also: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=3744435

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Ah sorry about that.

You need to load Fallout.esm and Armorkeywords.esm though.


Create a file called CreationKitCustom.ini in your Fallout-dir just like you do for the game for your settings.


Add this line, it will allow you to load multiple esm's:





EDIT: Also noticing that it wants to load all ESM instead of just the masters. That is new. No idea why it does that.


EDIT2: Armorkeywords.esm requires all DLC if you installed it with those options of course, thats why it loads all DLC regardless. Masterdepency of the masterdependency. I will make a esp that uses the chembench and only needs Fallout.esm instead.

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