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Dragon weapons


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Hello. Its a strange, that we kill dragons, we are dragonborn, BUT we dont have dragon weapons. More strange is discrimination of light armor users. Why Warriors can spent perks to heavy side of smithing and all the way craft cool armor and weapons and upgrade them, but light armor users must spent perks in heavy if they want cool weapon and dragon armor at 100? so we must sacrifice upgrade all armor until we get 100 smithing or spent perks both ways in smithing. I play with slower skill gain mod so i want a dragon weapons in dragon craft at finish of crafting way.

Will be cool if dragon weapon craft will spent dragons scales/bones plus about 15 dragon souls to craft 2h weapon and 10 souls to 1h weapons.

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Dragon weapons yes... but... The rest doesn't make sense. You want heavy armor to be light armor? You can upgrade light armor. You want light armor to have the same armor value as heavy armor? That completely defeats the purpose of light and heavy. You want your light armor to look like heavy armor? Change some textures. What you are asking for is very confusing. Also I believe dragonscale armor is light armor, not positive though. Both directions on the smithing perk list have both light and heavy armor. Edited by sephkurai
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I had posted a request for dragon weapons a while ago. It would be nice to do, but I have absolutely no idea how to mod.


As for the dragon armour, I think it's fine just as it is in terms of stats. I just wih bethesda has included an option to play around with the colour scheme of armour and clothing instead of having to realy on downloading textures and hoping that someone miraculously makes the type of texture you want.

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You can get Dragon Smithing by getting the light armor perks, you don't need the Heavy Armor perks in smithing to unlock Dragon Smithing, it's either path to get to the Dragon Smithing.
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  On 11/26/2011 at 1:46 AM, sephkurai said:

Dragon weapons yes... but... The rest doesn't make sense. You want heavy armor to be light armor? You can upgrade light armor. You want light armor to have the same armor value as heavy armor? That completely defeats the purpose of light and heavy. You want your light armor to look like heavy armor? Change some textures. What you are asking for is very confusing. Also I believe dragonscale armor is light armor, not positive though. Both directions on the smithing perk list have both light and heavy armor.

Man, what r u talking about? Top smithing perk is dragon craft, and it allow you craft and upgrade light and heavy dragon armors. So users of heavy armor can get all the way useful features from heavy smithing and in the end they get top weapons and top light craft too. Light crafter cant craft top weapon and top heavy armor cause daedric gives more defence. So if u dont want to waste perks - u need to spent them to heavy part anyway. Thats not fair...

Edited by Fagros
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What I am saying is what Draco said. You can go either route. It is fair because it costs a lot more perks to get to dragon armor from the daedric armor side. You want to make the best weapons and armor... without getting the perk to make them? My recommendation, is there is no reason to take the light armor side of the perks. Light armor is dirt cheap and you can make hundreds of thousands of gold making dwarf/ebony armor.

Solution: either give yourself levels to get the perk you want, download a mod that gives you more perks, or go the heavy armor route like everyone else. Or, go both.

You are asking for a mod with no specific clarifications, you are just saying what you don't like and expecting a modder to come up with a solution.

Edited by sephkurai
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I think what he's trying to say is, he'd like to see dragon weapons in the ultimate smithing perk because atm it sounds like he's gone the light armour route through smithing, got 100 but is restricted to glass weapons as the best he can craft. Personally, I really think bethesda should have put silver and mithril on the light side. We're are definitely going to see dragon weapons, lots of authors will attempt them. If I was going to make dragon weapons though, I'd probably base them on their teeth, and give you another crafting resource to collect.
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  On 11/26/2011 at 2:13 AM, sephkurai said:

What I am saying is what Draco said. You can go either route. It is fair because it costs a lot more perks to get to dragon armor from the daedric armor side. You want to make the best weapons and armor... without getting the perk to make them? My recommendation, is there is no reason to take the light armor side of the perks. Light armor is dirt cheap and you can make hundreds of thousands of gold making dwarf/ebony armor.

Solution: either give yourself levels to get the perk you want, download a mod that gives you more perks, or go the heavy armor route like everyone else. Or, go both.

You are asking for a mod with no specific clarifications, you are just saying what you don't like and expecting a modder to come up with a solution.

Lol what? Much more? 4 vs 3? and u dont need dragon with heavy because daedric better then dragon. You need to spend 4 perks for getting top light armor and the same 4 perks for top heavy armor, but with heavy armor a small bonus - top weapons and can spent 1 more perk for top light gear. Not fair, dont u think? Will be fine if Daedric skill will req Ebony OR dragon. Then will be full balance. Any side u choose u need to spent 5 perks for getting top weapons craft and top armors of both type.

Another way of balancing that - make best bows and daggers in glass craft and top swords, axes, maces will left in daedric. But allow to learn daedric if u learned dragon craft will be better. Equal perks need, can craft both types of armor for your companions and upgrade your current armor before 100 smithing.

Edited by Fagros
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Actually i have a good idea for rebalance smithing. I think daedric must be top skill in smithing because get ingridients for dragon craft is too easy, but atm i didnt get any daedra hearts yet. And this will make a top skill fully usefull for both type of armor users. Every1 will get top weapons and heavy users will get top armor. Ithink smithing must look like that:


This will be totally fair because anyway everyone need top weapon and dragon armor better then ebony, but worse then daedric. And you need to spent equal perk points in heavy and light armor sides.

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