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sorry if this a wasteful question but when i try downloading a file,theres only find and save,i saved the file and then i clicked on it,but then a messege giving me a choice to either find the file needed on the web or open with something else.. What do i do??
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Is the extension .rar or .7-zip? Windows won't open those. You need a new program. WinRAR is the most common; just ignore all the things that say you need to pay, and download the free trail version. Ignore more messages and just use the trial version until the end of time.
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sorry if this a wasteful question but when i try downloading a file,theres only find and save,i saved the file and then i clicked on it,but then a messege giving me a choice to either find the file needed on the web or open with something else.. What do i do??


My Bad: I didnt see any replies (I dont know how) but I posted something, but nevermind. Sorry for waste of space.

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