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Vault pieces: polishing and fleshing out


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I was hoping to make this myself, but in several hours of researching how to get started I've learned that even modifying already existing models and textures would take me years of schooling to learn out how to do. So here are my ideas for someone who already has the years of learning:

  • Modify the existing vault pieces with doorways to remove the button panel on the left of the doorway. Then add that panel to the actual door so the button panel is only there when a door is installed and interaction with the panel is actually interaction with the door. This would make it possible to open/close doors without looking up into the slot where the door retracts, and it would be easy to tell at a glance if a door is even installed.
  • Modify doorways and doorway endcaps so they can connect directly to stairways without making it difficult to walk through if approaching from the bottom of the stair.
  • Stretch the existing doorway endcaps in one dimension by just a hair so there's no texture z-fighting when the door is installed in them.
  • Two additional snap points on all vault walls for vault power conduits (one centered on the left half and one centered on the right half) so conduits don't always have to be dead center on the wall.
  • Add the missing vault pieces for existing categories:
    • floor-only, ceiling-only, wall-only, wall&floor, wall&ceiling, corner-with-window, etc for the "Vault Rooms" so they can be more than one unit tall and smaller than 2x2 wide (like the atruim). What rooms did Bethesda expect us to use for reactors and lavatories?
    • A wall-only piece for the atrium that matches the prefab wall bottoms.
    • Sloped wide hallways for the tunnels connecting different sections of the Vault 88 cave. I imagine this would be the most difficult of all as there are no existing models for sloped wide halls as far as I know.
    • Half length stairways for both domestic and utility hallways.
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