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Nexus doesn't allow mod install


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I posted about this before and got no answer. So one more time. When on the Nexus I found a few mods I'd like to install but when I click download with manager it asks me about prerequisites which I indeed have and the after I click continue I just get a white little box with a frozen loading symbol. I can't install any mod and I'm using Nexus Mod Manager. Im signed in and all that jazz too. If anything else is needed to know just ask. Would really appreciate help since mods kinda make this game for me.

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I'm going to answer you one more time. This second post makes it much more clear that the problem you're having isn't with NMM but it's with the Nexus mod site. There's been a lot of slow down with the sites lately probably because of the redesign (if you haven't learned to check the site news when you encounter a problem consider this another free lesson). So what you'll need to do is download the mod manually (hit the download manually button) put it someplace you can easily find, then open up NMM and drag the folder/rar/zip/7zip onto NMM it'll add it to the "unsorted" category but you can then use NMM to install it regularly.


If you still experience infinite loading screens on the site even downloading manually, try again another day.

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