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Why can't I play Skyrim any more?


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First of all, when I go to my library, it no longer shows Skyrim in the list. So I searched for Skyrim, and find it, and that page shows that I've played for 993 hours. But then, when I try to start the game, I get the initial screen, but then it just closes without ever showing the initial menu. I tried starting in offline mode, but that has the same effect. I tried starting via SKSE (I was using that for a special UI screen), but still get the same effect. Anyone have any idea what is going wrong here?

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except for the steam menu issue, it sounds like you're missing masters. What mods are you using?


As far as the Steam bug, Ive heard things like this can happen sometimes if you install in "C:programs", but Ive never seen it happen, so I cant help with it. Sorry.

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