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Newbie here! Please help with a script!


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Hello community!


I have a problem with a script. I'm trying the make a quick workaround for the ModScrapScalar crap that doesn't work properly, because Bethesda...

Scriptname SSS_s_AddItem_BasketballHoop02 extends Quest

MiscObject Property BaskeballHoopParts auto const

Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference BaskeballHoop01NoPole)
	Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BaskeballHoopParts, 1, false)

I am new to modding on the CK, and especially the scripting part.


What I am trying to achieve is:

Every time I scrap a specific object, the player receives an item into his/her inventory. From my very short term memory and some experience, I guess I need to do it through a Quest so that it keeps running?


By the way, if anyone knows how the ModScrapScalar works in detail, please also give some hints. The problem is, if I want the scalar to return back 100% of the components, it will do that, but not if the amount is 1... then it just returns nothing.


Thanks for any help in advance!

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in the line

Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference BaskeballHoop01NoPole)


That is an output variable name, not the place for an input. It's telling you what parameters the function is passing to you and what data type they are.


take out baskeballhoop01nopole and replace it with what it should be from the ck wiki. it should be something like akTarget or something than add a property at the top of the script like:


ObjectReference Property basketballhoop Auto


and then within the event do

if (basketballhoop == akTarget) ***or whatever the handle is from the ck***

do code stuff here



then in the ck or fo4 make the property the form id of the baskeballhoop01 thing you want to add. You need to use properties to communicate forms to papyrus.

Edited by FatsackTony1
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OK I have this now:

Scriptname SSS_s_AddItem_BasketballHoop02 extends Quest

MiscObject Property BasketballHoopParts auto
Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If (BasketballHoopParts == akActionRef)
    		Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BasketballHoopParts, 1, false)

I get two errors:


(5,25): cannot compare a miscobject to a objectreference (cast missing or types unrelated)
(4,0): new event onworkshopobjectdestroyed cannot be defined because the script is not flagged as native
The first one is pretty obvious, but how would I fix it? Also the second some keeps popping up, and I am not sure at all what it could mean D:
Edited by marekto98
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You may need to register your script for an the workshop destroy event, within an OnLoad event, and than put it in a quest that loads on game start.


the error on line 5 is a data type mismatch, you can change the data type because one is a MiscObject and the other is a ObjectReference, you can "cast" it (think like casting molten metal in a forge to a new form) using the 'as' operator like this:


victim = akTarget as actor




akActionRef as MiscObject


But what you might be confusing is the Misc item, which is an entry in the inventory and a droppable object, like a weapon mod, or stimpack etc. With a placeable workshop object, which would be the object reference. I think they are 2 different form types. so you may have to add 2 properties, where the one in the IF statement would be the placeable workshop object cast as object reference, and then the misc inventory item, that gets added when the if statement is true. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Quest_Script


Error # 2 on line 4 is a problem because it does not recognize OnWorkshopItemDestroyed as a native event. Native in this case meaning part of the vanilla game. You can create custom events of your own, but this is not something I've played around with much. But there is some information on how to on the ck wiki. It might be that your script extends Quest, which mean it extends the Quest script and so you only have available the functions and events to use that are within the quest script. If you extend ActiveMagicEffect, it would change the functions and events you can use, such as OnEffectStart, etc etc. check here. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=ObjectReference_Script soooo.... I think you may need to make your script extend ObjectReference, since you're calling an event from it, and than attach it to the placeable workshop item form.

Edited by FatsackTony1
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Oh yes, I just realized I was doing this a bit off. So 'BasketballHoopParts' would actually be a misc item that I can use in-game. On this note, akActionRef should equate to something else. Ah ok, I think I get it now. So I need to create a property similar to this I guess:

ObjectReference Property BasketballHoopParts02 auto

and then change the 'BasketballHoopParts' inside the if statement to 'BasketballHoopParts02'.

Is this right?


Also, the other problem. I do not fully understand the 'extends' business xD Before, I guessed it informed the script to what type it is for some sorting/accessing reason. Like I used something else instead of 'Quest' before, since I used the script inside a MiscItem instead of Quest, which was completely wrong. But I guess now that it doesn't do what I just said? xP

Edited by marekto98
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There we go, I've done what you just posted and it seemed to remove the first error, so it works. Didn't test it yet but I'm sure with a few Quest tweaks it's gonna work as intended. Also, I have extended it to ObjectReference and that also fixed the second problem :D Thank you so much for the help. I may need some more in a few minutes, i'm sure i'm gonna mess something up :tongue: For now, I will test the script to see if it works properly.


Although! There is another problem already. ObjectReference only references to an existing object in a specific cell. How do I make it, or something else reference to an object I place with the workshop?

Edited by marekto98
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