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SellValue per Weight in Itemcard ?


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What about a mod wich adds Gold per weight Value to the item Card or replaces the old goldValue in itemcards?


This will let you quickly descide, which item is worth to pick up. This is the true Value of an item. Example:


Axe: 60 Gold, weight: 10 ==> Selvalue/weight = 6

Dagger: 10 Gold, weight 1 ==> Sellvalue/weight = 10 ==> Picking up 10 Daggers is more worth than picking up 1 Axe.


PLEASE can anybody do this? You have to modify the swf file for the Itemcard.


I have Uploaded it for you so you "simply" have to download an try it. After changing it has to be placed to *skyrimfolder*\inventory components\




I have tryed it but never managed it to create a with skyrim working swf file after extract it from SWF and repack it to SWF.

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