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Commonwealth Quest Mod


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Let's be honest, the settlements are s**t.


Sure, building them is okay, but looking after them is a pain, Preston is a gaping prolapsed rectum and the Settlers are idiots.


Each settlement should be a small town/village in its own right.


I'd love to see a lore-friendly mod that that adds a questline and a buncha unique NPC's that bring NON-RADIANT side quests to each settlement- replacing the "thank God you're here" from settlements.


Fallout 4 is at least 150 quests short of a proper RPG and I'm so appalled with Bethesda for padding their game out with "radiant" garbage and whiny settlers. I'd love to see this made as a mod. Replacing some of the excessive number of enemy-filled buildings with character and story. If every settlement had a questline and a minimum of 4 unique sidequests, Fallout 4 would be epic.


Read this https://www.change.org/p/bethesda-make-fallout-4-an-rpg-less-radiant-more-original for more details/ideas.


I know it's a big project, any chance someone could accomplish this?

Edited by ambionstitches
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