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Finish the scrapped Skeever polymorph power + more Polymorph options?


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I'm not a huge modder, I can hardly code on my own, but I was thinking, since you can access 'Polymorph Skeever' through the 'psb' console command, perhaps the script is somewhere and there could be additions made to it, such as the ability to turn into:

- spiders

- wolves

- saber cats (snowy/normal)


I'm not big on modding, but I don't know where in the .BSA the script is, what it's called, or what to look for, or I'd do it myself. the Skeever Polymorph only needs a camera fix, it seems, and the ability to attack and change back (and perhaps some other modifications based on he Werewolf power script, if possible) and it may also be possible to add more. I'd love some help with doing this on my own, if someone could help me locate the necessary files and find what to open them with, I'd be very thankful for the help, or someone can do it on their own.

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I'm not a huge modder, I can hardly code on my own, but I was thinking, since you can access 'Polymorph Skeever' through the 'psb' console command, perhaps the script is somewhere and there could be additions made to it, such as the ability to turn into:

- spiders

- wolves

- saber cats (snowy/normal)


I'm not big on modding, but I don't know where in the .BSA the script is, what it's called, or what to look for, or I'd do it myself. the Skeever Polymorph only needs a camera fix, it seems, and the ability to attack and change back (and perhaps some other modifications based on he Werewolf power script, if possible) and it may also be possible to add more. I'd love some help with doing this on my own, if someone could help me locate the necessary files and find what to open them with, I'd be very thankful for the help, or someone can do it on their own.


Is this like alterration magic to alter your body to fight as a spider... like fighting as a werewolf... if so it is great... maybe get a few other polymorph forms into it and give them special abilities... like spider can walk on threats it can create with spiting twice... wolves can jump twice the length a human can... sabrecats have really thick fur and can even go through the coldest areas... a small form like 'crab' to get through small cracks... a wisp form who can go through spiritdoors into spiritrealm dungeons... a phoenix form in which you can glide against strong winds... (this would be awesome with mods to alter certain dungeons to have certain 'walls' that you can only bypass with the right abilities... to really make them useful...)

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