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Pinup Poser Won't Work :/


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I manually did everything and the rings and everything are there,However,choosing a play ring = Nothing.

The rings will not activate after choosing a pose,I don't know what the problem is,Here is my FNIS log


>>Warning: Bad installation. Generator not run from a Skyrim installation directory.<<
FNIS Behavior V6.3 8/14/2016 3:12:48 PM
Skyrim: ??.?? - C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition\
Generator: C:\Users\new\Desktop\Skyrim Mods\FNIS Behavior 6.3\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones)
Reading FNISBase V6.3 ...
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ...
0_master usage: 1.1 % ( 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations)
Alternate Animation mods: 0 sets: 0 total groups: 0 added file slots: 0 alternate files: 0
Creature Pack not installed
47 animations for 1 mods successfully included (character)
1 Warning(s).
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I know you're pre


Your problem is that you don't read. That warning indicates 2 things:


- You didn't install FNIS properly


- You are running a cracked Skyrim

Actually, smart ass ,i transferred the Skyrim from my eternal drive which was from my old

computer since I lost the Disk to a massive crack in the center so i just simply kept it and when my

old computer crashed I had it put into a external portable USB which now allows me to this day to access

it whenever i please. Despite i no longer have the disk,all the data is still there since i never uninstalled it so

please explain to me how the f*#@ that is piracy?The fact i have to explain this is completely stupid but i forget how quick

you people are to scream pirate whenever you don't get some kind of explanation or Something Elaborated. As for

Fnis not being explained properly i've tried all I can with it pretty much.

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I know you're pre


Your problem is that you don't read. That warning indicates 2 things:


- You didn't install FNIS properly


- You are running a cracked Skyrim

Actually, smart ass ,i transferred the Skyrim from my eternal drive which was from my old

computer since I lost the Disk to a massive crack in the center so i just simply kept it and when my

old computer crashed I had it put into a external portable USB which now allows me to this day to access

it whenever i please. Despite i no longer have the disk,all the data is still there since i never uninstalled it so

please explain to me how the f*** that is piracy?The fact i have to explain this is completely stupid but i forget how quick

you people are to scream pirate whenever you don't get some kind of explanation or Something Elaborated. As for

Fnis not being explained properly i've tried all I can with it pretty much.

Skyrim is a Steam-exclusive game, meaning that even if you have a disk, you need Steam to install and play the game. If you did not install the game through Steam you have either pirated the game, or bought a pirated game.

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