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So Close, Please Help


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EDIT:solved it myself. Thanks anyway.


I had this working exactly as intended a few years ago, but can't remember how and the script/mod is irretrievably lost now. The idea is that this script (attached to a spell) will make a potential follower or spouse out of any NPC with the appropriate voice, and improve disposition with any NPC. I have tried setting the rankings to 0 (and -1 for currentfollowerfaction) but that did not work either. It compiles fine, and if wearing an amulet I will get the "Interested in me?" dialogue from some characters. But I don't get the "Follow Me" dialogue from anyone. When this was working I used to be able to recruit guards or bandits or forsworn, basically anyone, and even Sigrid expressed interest in marriage.


Scriptname lovespellscript extends activemagiceffect
Faction Property PlayerFaction Auto
Faction Property PotentialFollowerFaction Auto
Faction Property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto
Faction Property PotentialMarriageFaction Auto
event OnEffectStart(Actor aktarget, Actor akcaster)
aktarget.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 0)
aktarget.SetFactionRank(PotentialMarriageFaction, 0)
aktarget.SetFactionRank(PotentialFollowerFaction, 1)
aktarget.SetFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction, 0)
aktarget.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 4)
I know there are mods that do similar things, but I really wanted to keep this one slim. I am 99% sure I did not use aliases or create packages last time I did this. I also had this line:
akcaster.SetRelationshipRank(aktarget, 4)
but am not sure it does anything at all. I've scoured tutorials and whatnot and am stumped. If you can help, thank you.
Edited by plunket
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This page is your friend http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus.


Also you are using a spell not an effect of what i understood am I right?


If so yopu may want to look into this http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnSpellCast_-_ObjectReference

Thank you -- not exactly, the spell effect uses a script only (does nothing else). I have gone through creationkit.com but have hit a wall. I am 100% certain that when I made this work before, it was extending the active magic effect, not an object reference.

Edited by plunket
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