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More Options for Giving Followers Commands


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Ok, so yes and no:


There's a script - resourcefurniturescript - attached to the chopping block that adds firewood to your inventory. This also works for Followers.


Assigning this script to ore mining markers will cause your Follower to load up on whatever ore you select in the script's parameters.


However, you can't simply add the script to the base pickaxe-mining asset, because you can only specify one type of ore.


You would have to attach it to each individual idle marker in the game, or at least in the places where you wanted your followers to collect the results, like your Hearthfires properties.


One issue with that, however, is that if you set it on a quarried stone marker, the stones are added to your inventory. Not a problem if you just want to sit in the shade and watch your followers do it all, but I'm not sure if it happens while you're elsewhere. Would be a nasty surprise to find yourself overloaded with quarried stones when you're miles away because Lydia's going nuts on the quarried stone.


Further, one could possibly expand that script so that a marker yields whatever deposit it's attached to. That's a bit over my head right now.

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