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NMM for Fallout 4 has zeros on the list.


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NMM is now working for Skyrim (crosses fingers) but NMM for Fallout 4 is not working at all. When I open NMM for Fallout 4 all the mod categories show 0. The mods are there but because of the 0's won't load in the game.

Skyrim mods are fine. WTF? I have been trying to trouble shoot these to see what I can fix on my own but this latest problem is way beyond my abilities, limited as they are.

I have checked everything I can think of but come up with nothing.

It must have something to do with the way NMM saves the mods for Fallout 4 but for the life of me I don't understand why the Mods for Skyrim work and Fallout 4 do not.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


OKAY........ I just checked and now both are okay, yet just a few hours ago Fallout 4 mods were not working. ????

This is not the first time I have seen this.

Edited by Numbnumb
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