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angrytigerp - Strike assessed


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angrytigerp - Strike assessed for personal attack. There's a line and you've crossed it.




Technically, it is racism. You don't like the aesthetics of the RACES of Dunmer, Bosmer, and Altmer. May be fictional races, but still. You find the defining qualities of their races aesthetically displeasing, and that's fine. I love how utterly defensive you get, though, with the "I HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARE [race]" card... no one accused you of hating [race] people, just of hating Mer. That just means Bethesda did their job right in creating races that are different enough to elicit so severe a response from some. Calm down, whitewash (or humanwash, as it were) the elves when the mod tools come out, but quit with this "Bethesda messed up" bulls***. Because, as has been said numerous times by numerous people, Mer -- while humanoid -- ARE. NOT. HUMAN.



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