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What causes a game to crash when modifying a NIF file?


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Hey everyone!

I've spent the past two days trying to convert an armor from skyrim into fallout 4.

Can someone list the possible reasons why my game crashes(ctd) when I try to equip the armor?

So far I have:

1.Extracted the obj file from the original model

2.In outfit studio, I used the body conversion template from skyrim to fallout, the outfit works 100% well in bodyslide, with scalings and no clipping

3.In NIFSkope, I've assigned textures to each textureset of the individual pieces


Here is my NIF file for someone who'd like to see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nm24u7lt7ngrj3q/HQ2Whatevs.nif?dl=0


Also, here is the outfit (Harley Quinn from suicide squad) I'm trying to convert(I don't plan on redistributing as I couldn't reach the original author): http://ninirim.tistory.com/5


I would appreciate any help tremendously!! :smile: I hope I'm in the right thread

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Meshes need to be in BSSubIndexTriShape format rather than BSTriShape. I don't know if straight converting within NifSkope would work though, it should be BSSubIndexTrishape when exported out of Bodyslide.

Thanks a lot! This fixed my crashing issue, however, the mesh doesn't appear in game now.

When I equip my armor, the body mesh changes to something that would be similar to what the armor will look like, but it's invisible, you can't see the mesh at all, texture issue maybe?

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