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The village is always being attacked by wolf and all animal farms die


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i think this is caused by SkyTEST - Realistic animal and predators because the mod description said predators such as wolf will hunt 2-3 times a day but unfortunately for me they hunt in the village like riverwood farm or whiterun's farm instead of in the wild, usually at night where there are not many people around resulting the farm animals to die.... even the dogs.... and i'm kinda sad to see that


sometimes it also happen in afternoon.. i literally just closed the gate for the farm animal and went in to sell some things in the shop but when i go out the gate is opened by the farm owner and the wolf already killed all the animals inside it... even the dog


is there any way i could avoid this? will the farm animals respawn if they got killed?? and the dogs also

Edited by kvintanzil
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