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After hours of effort, my modpack has gone bust. Any help is appriciated


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I mod a lot for skyrim, but after making a new modpack, I am getting CTDs on:

Fast Travel


New Game (a lot of the time)

Loading Saves (Almost all the time, however I used to be able to get into one save, now I cant)


EDIT: I managed to get into whiterun via coc, so I assume its the tamriel cell. But upon leaving Whiterun: Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID 0x5D6B9 base form ID: 0x27D1F and type 0x22 falied to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons. Looked up the FormID 5D6B9 in Tes5Edit, it is Placed Object MountainCliff03 [sTAT:00027D1F] located in (I think) the tamriel worldspace, where i'm getting crashes. Is there any way to fix this?


Here is a list of my current active ESP/ESMs: http://pastebin.com/2V60asr9


I use the Skyrim Mod Combiner for base textures, and I use an ENB, at version 0.308. I use the Spectra ENB


My latest Papyrus Log (Some mods are disabled as they were causing some errors, but I get crashes without them): http://pastebin.com/stg5DJZr

And another, loading into a vanilla riverwood save with all ESPs disables with NMM: http://pastebin.com/ggLMqwsM

My INI Files: http://pastebin.com/6bwCjYSi (Skyrim), http://pastebin.com/QWwQSrL4 (Skyrim Prefs)

And my ENB Local: http://pastebin.com/j3He5eA5


My Skyrim directory is as follows:

|<DIR>Modular Shaders
|SweetFX readme.txt
This problem doesn't seem to go away when I disable all of my ESPs
I had to disable the SweetFX files since im on Win 10 (dxgi files)
There are no mod conflicts listed in Wrye Bash, and I cleaned all of them with TesVEdit (Some esps will still confict, but they are disabled)
Thanks for any help,
Dino :3
Edited by scooby42683
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Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done. :

/// Load order / mods conflicts :

/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

  • Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page.
    Start Tes5edit, simply untick everything, (right-click/select none) and add only a tick to the esm/esp you want to check + update.esm, Tesedit knows what to do and will load all the dependencies automatically.
    - Begin with loading only Skyrim + update, ITM / UDR + save ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Dawnguard, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Hearthfire, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
    - Then load Skyrim + update + Dragonborn, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.
  • The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT should tell you which plugin you should clean. You may also do a check errors.

/// Settings / memory :

  • Ensure you're not using redundant memory patches, such as SSME, skse.ini; crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 enabled, or safety load. Preferably, use skse memory patch or crash fixes.
  • Memory blocks log will help to refine memory settings.
  • Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.
  • STEP INI tweaking wiki.
  • You may install ENBOOST >> ENB graphics / ENB haxx.

/// Save game :

/// Meshes healer :

  • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

/// Useful informations :

Hope this helps.

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I managed to get into whiterun via coc, so I assume its the tamriel cell. But upon leaving Whiterun: Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID 0x5D6B9 base form ID: 0x27D1F and type 0x22 falied to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons. I am attempting the fixes suggested in the troubleshooting thread

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SOLVED! I would tag the title but I dont know how on here -_-

Problem was:

Moss Rocks Legendary - MountainCliff03 mesh was broken


Solution for anyone in the future:

Install crash fixes.

Recreate the crash, alt-tabbing on infinite loading screen to see the error

You will be given the FormID and BaseID of the erroring mesh

Load all your ESPs in TesVEdit

After they are loaded, search for the BaseID. For me this was MountainCliff03. In the top right you will see what is writing to it. For me it was Skyrim.esm and Moss Rocks - Legendary.esp. I disabled Moss Rocks, no more crashes!

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