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Spring Cleaning issues


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Today I loaded my save and noticed one of the houses I had removed with Spring Cleaning was back, only one of them however. Bushes and everything else I scrapped in the vicinity of that house is also back, and I can't select any of it, let alone scrap it. The rest of Sanctuary is fine, it's just one particular area. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Spring Cleaning has been LONG abandoned by its MOD author. I found this out a few weeks ago.


The SCRAP EVERYTHING MOD is superior. Plus, the SCRAP EVERYTHING appears to be getting updates and support by its MOD author. Updates and support, especially with Bethesda updates and patches is very important.


The symptoms you are describing is, in general, due to adding another MOD after spring cleaning.


You need to make sure your spring cleaning MOD is loaded last in the load order.


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