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How can I access the contents of a Workshop settlement's junk container?

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I've tried various permutations of

ObjectReference property localContainer auto

then in a function,

localContainer = GetLinkedRef(WorkshopParent.WorkshopLinkContainer) as ObjectReference
debug.notification( "We look into " + localContainer)

The function is in a terminal script. The properties of the script do seem to see localContainer as an ObjectReference. I think I might be doing several things wrong - all other parts of the function work, but the debug notification above never appears. It doesn't show NONE or 0 or anything - it just never appears at all! Code before and after those 2 lines are running, and the script complies. I'm not sure what to look at next.


Edit: I've also seen in WorkshopParentScript, a number of calls like:

ObjectReference containerRef = workshopRef.GetContainer()

where workshopRef is being passed in at a function call; so maybe I'm just not getting the local workshop reference correctly? What's the most reliable way of referring to "the workshop I'm standing in?" It will be called from a workshop-CO placed in the world, so it will always be true that we're standing in one.

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You have to tell getLinkedRef() where to search for linked references. In case of a terminal try:

localContainer = akTerminalRef.GetLinkedRef(WorkshopParent.WorkshopLinkContainer)

If this is in a terminal script there should be a fragment too: (something like)

Function Fragment_Terminal_03(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)

The function (here: calcPowerGrid()) is called with an ObjectReference as parameter of the attached terminal. This is your anchor to access the terminal.


NB. it's okay to delclare localContainer as

ObjectReference localContainer

No need for a property

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