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What 6 skills are you leveling the most?


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At level 26 Assassin on Master difficulty.


Sneak - 100 All Perks but Shadow Warrior


Archery - 53 Overdraw 3/5, Eagle Eye, Power Shot. Working toward Quick Shot and Bullseye.


One-Handed - 45 Armsman 2/5. Prolly gonna go all dual wield perks.


Alchemy - 39 Alchemist 2/5, Physicain, and Poisoner. Prolly gonna hit up the rest of Alchemist, Benefactor, and Concentrated Poison.


Pickpocket - 36 Light fingers 2/5. Prolly hitting up all perks but Keymaster and Extra pockets.


Don't really have a 6th. Thinking of either speech, Illusion or Light Armor (Light armor is at 31 with no perks, dunno if I should worry about it since I'm stealthy and if I get into trouble I take a swig of an Invisibility potion and run off). Not going near Smithing or Enchanting as it makes the game easier than it already is. Any suggestions on what else would be good.

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One-handed (dual wielding, and other useful skills)

Sneak - (tree is full except the first skill)

Smithing - (went up the heavy armor tree to reach daedric weapons, since dragonscale is accessible either way)

Enchanting - (gonna get + 100% enchanting power, double enchant, and work on the body-based enchantments)


Light Armor - (hardly touched, i kill things before I'm seen)



Destruction is ending up to be useless unless I specialize in it. I may find a way to delete my perks and respec. Probably dump those points into enchanting and archery.

Edited by Miraboreasu
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Level 43 Nord, battlemage.


Destruction 100

Smithing 94

One handed 92

Heavy armor 90

Enchanting 73

Archery 59


I regret maxing destruction first, I put most of my level ups into magicka to use it and still find myself going to the bow to get things done at range often times.

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