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Weird Triangle shadows?


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Hey guy's, I just got back into NV after playing the heck out of FO4 and naturally, started modding. Right now my game runs at an averaged of 55 FPS which is more than perfect for me, and everything looks beautiful. However the only issue I seemingly have are these weird shadows, that seem to form squares of triangles? Here are some screenshots I took, I also included a picture of the sky, because as I was looking around I saw what seemed to be texture clipping. Perhaps you guys will have some insight? My current mod list is :

I'm also running DynamoX ENB with SweetFX
And NVSE loader, obviously.

The load order is :

And here are the screenshots of the problem :


Thank you everyone <3

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Don't know how much experience you have with "post-processors" like SweetFX and ENB, but in and of themselves they are not a panacea solution. They require tweaking to work together. Using a "pre-set" is a start but only a start.


I suggest you first of all start with this sub-topic of the wiki article "Fallout NV Mod Conflict troubleshooting Guide", and read the ENB sub-topics that follow it. Check for the conflicting settings mentioned in subsequent sub-topics, and then try some other pre-sets, which is why the first sub-topic is about managers for them ... so they stay distinct and don't step on each other. Then you will just have to experiment with the shadow settings until you find the best result you can get.


If you really think you have a "load order" problem, then straighten that out without the "post-processors" in the picture. As the name indicates, the "post-processors" work with the image as rendered by the game, so LO problems exist before they even see the result.


If you aren't using LOOT to sort your LO, I recommend it. While no automated process is 100% accurate, it does examine the headers of each file and does a reasonable job of working out which plugin affects others and the order they need to be placed in. You can then manually make adjustments as needed. It's always useful to post your LO (in "Spoiler" tags. Use the "Special BBCode" button in the "Reply" menu bar). LOOT can copy your LO into a file suitable for posting here. (It's under the ":" with three dots to the extreme right in it's menu bar.) Much preferred over screenshots.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I want to add to what Dubiousintent is saying here. You need to go one step further, and add in the 4gb enabler for NVSE. That can help with a few things. Read the descriptions before using, though.I do recommend at least using the first one, and follow directions for sweetfx. The second may help. I am not sure, but read the full description before using.

4gb enabler updated: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/?

4gb enabler with enb injector: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59618/?

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