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[Help] CTD everytime I hit/damage me, NPCs or an Enemy. ( All info included :/ )


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Ok first of all, English is not my Native Language so, apologies if I say something that sound weird :/ and spelling ofc :D
So, I've been having this weird CTDs mentioned on the Title.
My Notebook SPecs roughtly:
**GPU: Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Series**
**CPU: GeForce GTX 960M**
**Memory: Intel® Core i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz**
**Current Resolution: 1920 x 1080, 60Hz**
**Windows 10 Home (yeah I know...¬¬' It was preinstalled when I bought the Notebook, not worth it to install W7 just for 1 game)**
-My SKSE its up to date.
-Used MO since the beginning.
-I'm using LOOT every time I added a new mod and checked load order and errors.
-installed java 32bit version.
-Followed STEP guide to setup the .ini files.
-I had a quite stable skyrim modded with over 200 plugins or so. 30-55 fps range. I even was able to put some
-ENBs (Gameplay Performance ENB) to work and they work perfect. no problem with it.
-Used to have CTDs probably related to problems with Memory Block (actually, discovered by chance and I had a
-sort of stable game with CTDs every 2-3 hours that I simply don't know what cause them but it was ok for me)
SO, I had a (kind of) working game until I decided to install **Fores Idle mod** to use more movements and animations etc.
And after installing them, sneaked a giant frostbite spider with an arrow and bam! CTD.
after that, everytime I hit or damage anything, or probably, anything gets hited or damaged with something, **CTD.**
Checked if Skeletons where the problem (don't know much about it but previously installed and de-installed following STEP youtube video tutorial made by GamerPoet)
*Already checked MemoryBlock
*the troubleshooting reddit page,
*the savegame fixing scripts tool cleaned some savegames after doing a backup ofc,
*checked the outdated dangerous Mods list here in Reddit, etc.
What I'm trying to say is, as a basic user and slightly acquainted with some modding procedures I did all what i think I could do to solve the problem, burned my eyes this las 4 days for 8 hours at least a day reading between SkyrimNexus, and reddit looking or a solution. but nothing. :sad:
SO here I present myself looking for help fellow Reddit community. please help me. I'm really devastated with this :sad:
I'll add all the info you ask to solve this issue and look into everything you recommend. of course i'm not a programming expert so please be kind detailing a little bit all your ideas and possible procedures. i'll do my best to provide everything.
[skyrimpref.ini !](http://pastebin.com/RmbgshZL)
[LoarOrder.txt !](http://pastebin.com/htUtyrKe)
[ModList.txt on MO!](http://pastebin.com/pGp5rZnp)
IF Uploader is an easy way of displaying the info I uploaded here the last config of my files. click this link http://www.modwat.ch/u/ROoonneth

This papyrus log was made loading a game, waiting for a minute so all plugins and MCM loaded. the I hit with a Pickaxe a friendly NPCs. right after that, NPC throwed a line of reporting me (LOL) while game freezed for half sec, then audio appeared for another half sec then crashed to desktop CTD. Like it couldnt cope with the behaviour or reaction of a friendly damage or hit or whatever. Sometimes just by triggering an enemies reactions to my aproaching caused the same effect as well.
...Oh and thanks in advance!
I'm from Chile so, Gracias!



Posted this same HELP request on Reddit if its easy for some people to help over there.

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the first thing that i'm seeing is that your MO load order is completely different from your mod load order. this WILL cause problems. i know what step says, and i know what the MO documentation says. i don't care, if they don't match you're going to have issues. might be part of why your game crashes every few hours as well before adding fores.


go through and make sure that those are loading in the same order (have had extensive issues with this myself, anytime things are not the same crashpalooza central, changing the load order in the left window to match the actual esp load order is the only variable). the only thing that the order doesn't matter so much on is loose textures, so if you want something without an esp to load after something to overwrite it, that is usually fine.


see if fixing that solves the crashes. at least that's my first suggestion.


also, since what you're describing seems related to a sound problem, see if there's some conflict between fores and the new sounds mods that you're using. the delay on the sound like that is really odd.

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I'll check your suggestion right away.

regarding the audio, I'm not sure it's an audio issues. I just stated that trying to describe the last second of the CTD but it looks more like a CTD related to other variables. ...still.. it might as well be, but doesn't look related to an audio. no sure anyway.


brb 1 min!


EDIT: wait. by doing this ...like, by hand it will take forever. but anyway. i'll do it :/

Edited by ROoonneth
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I do't see a fnis patch at the bottom of your load order so i will asume there isn't one or in the right place so let's try to fix the load order.




Also have you uninstalled any mods in the middle of the playthrough something like cvil war overhaul or any dragon mods?

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I do't see a fnis patch at the bottom of your load order so i will asume there isn't one or in the right place so let's try to fix the load order.




Also have you uninstalled any mods in the middle of the playthrough something like cvil war overhaul or any dragon mods?

Hey Red. thanks for aiding in this!


Ok, nope. no fnis patch because I removed all the fnis mods and fnis itself following Gamerspoets Youtube Tutorial to make a step back to a "stable previous savegame" but the issue keeps apearing so I guess: 1) didn't remove the issue itself just by removing the mods or 2) the problem is not there :/ which is more frustrating.


-Tried the LOOT trick you suggested but nothing changed. it might have changed the order of 1 or 2 mods here and there but nothing I could surely check and tried a savegame. CTD attacking a guard in winterhelm. :(


-nope. didn´t had Civil war nor any Dragon mods installed. the only thing I de-installed was crafting Overhaul because it was conflicting with another crafting mod, double recipies and like rthat. but did it after the problem happened. so not part of the main issue :(



PS: it's frustrating as f*ck to be b le to play, ENB working fine and all, but not finding a solution to this absurd CTD ...

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hmmm already have it :smile:


how should I proceed to clean thoroughly?


I'm not an expert so half of the buttons are in "chinese" for me :/


But following some tutorials, I made a backup of my Savegames first (ofc!)

then proceeded to open a savegame, fix scripts Instance, cleaned some scripts.


there ends my knowledge . what do I do now? :3


PS: "cleaned" run skyrim. enter a house, sorted out, hit a guard with a pickaxe ...CTD T.T

Edited by ROoonneth
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