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Stronger chems with severe side effects


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This idea is mostly for survival, but might work in regular mode, too. Basically, the idea is: you have some quite strong chems, but then after the primary effect ends, you suffer a "crash" effect.


Ultra-Stimpack: Heals fast, and long enough to fully heal you several times. Afterwards, you suffer severe hunger and are extremely tired, pretty much rendering you unable to fight. Also addictive, with the addiction slowing any other types of health regeneration.


Something similar could be done for AP. The chem provides you with either a continuous supply of AP or fortifies the max AP greatly, but then leaves you out fo breath for quite a while.


Berserk: some kind of an upgrade to Psycho. Improves damage output and damage resistance greatly, but the latter only in such a way that it "stores" the damage you would have recieved, and deals it to you afterwards, plus some. Not everything at once, it still has to be survivable, but you have to medicate afterwards.


A drug that allows you to go days without sleep or food, but afterwards you get a need to eat and sleep every few in-game hours. Maybe also add a malus to Charisma.





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