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Game crashes when I try to load after I've disabled a mod. Help?


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A common issue doesn't mean there's a common answer. When the game is loading your save without the mod, it is trying to load a piece of the game that no longer exists. In some cases it can ignore it, in this case it can't. You do not provide any detail as to what mod it is, so no one who might use that mod and be familiar with any problems with it can help you.
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Well I know that. Clearly the information is no longer there to be loaded, since it was saved with it enabled. This is just the first time I've had a problem with a mod not uninstalling correctly. I checked the comments under the mod, where people usually report issues with it, and nobody reported anything (until now that is). My personal mod that I usually work with doesn't have this issue, likely because not a lot has been touched.


I highly doubt the problem is unique to this mod, since like you said, it either can or can't ignore it. So I don't see much point in giving you the link.


But if you'd like to see for yourself, DL it, and make a new save with it enabled. How far I fast traveled away from the mod's in-game location didn't matter. Still CTD when I try to load with it disabled.



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I highly doubt the problem is unique to this mod, since like you said, it either can or can't ignore it. So I don't see much point in giving you the link.


But if you'd like to see for yourself, DL it, and make a new save with it enabled. How far I fast traveled away from the mod's in-game location didn't matter. Still CTD when I try to load with it disabled.




So this is what I did:

1.) Save outside of Freeside.

2.) Install the mod.

3.) Load my save outside of Freeside.

4.) Go into Freeside, see mod stuff.

5.) Fast travel to 188 outpost.

6.) Save, then exit game.

7.) Uninstall mod.

8.) Load my save at the 188 outpost.

9.) See myself at 188 outpost, game has not crashed.


But just to be sure, this is also what I did:

1.) Re-install the mod.

2.) Load my pre-mod save outside of Freeside.

3.) Go into Freeside, see mod stuff.

4.) Save, then exit game.

5.) Uninstall mod.

6.) Load my save in Freeside.

7.) See myself in Freeside with mod stuff no longer there, game has not crashed.


I noticed in the mod comments section that bnxus tried to help you, but you didn't let him know if his help worked or not. Base off how his mod works and the non-existent load order provided here, my wild guess is that you have one of his other NPC Project mods installed and that when you uninstalled this mod it removed NPC Project.esm. Since his other mods rely on that, removing it and then trying to load with another mod dependent on it could cause a crash. But instead of continuing further with uneducated guesses, I will instead apologize to you for wasting your time and will trouble you no more on the matter.

Edited by viennacalling
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I haven't let him know yet because I didn't see that he replied until I was half-way through replying to this. I had to go to work.

But no, I don't have any more of his mods installed. Just that one. I have a feeling it just got randomly corrupted somehow.

Anyways, thank you for looking into it :)

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