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Game on one drive, Mods installed on another


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Is it possible to..

1) Have my game installed on my SSD
2) Have nexus mod manager and the mods for the game installed on my other drive.

3) Play the game, with the mods, although they are installed on another drive.

My game is on my SSD (os) drive.

and Obviously, I don't want fill my SSD with the Mod space. I want to play my game modded, but with mods installed on a separate drive.

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Your best bet might be to use MO or move your entire game where the mods are.

Any chance you can use "full english", no trolling made.. not everyone understands slang or what ever.




"What's MO"....




Sorry I'm not a kid or what ever, so I don't know much about slang or "non English abbreviations"





Sorry for my bad understand, again no trolling or anything meant! I just don't understand what on darn earth what "mo" means

Edited by ThePathOfBlood
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