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Realistic Hunting Incintives


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Hmph... I had intended to remedy this since I saw that leaked play through by ... was it mangg? Or is it spelled manng?


Anyways, listen, you don't SIMPLY get a bear claw from a bear. You don't simply throw away the rest of the fish. There is a commodity market for some of the strangest things, and a lot of scrap can amount to something. What I mean is... more stuff from hunting.


Salmon scales, fish head, fins, bear teeth, claws, spider fangs, dragon teeth, hunting isn't simple, and if you honestly live on hunting, if your life is hunting, you make use of EVERYTHING that is usable. Got an animal part you can't eat? Is it still edible to animals? Bait, which means more food. Strong Bones? Sharpen it. You now have a weapon. Organs? They can be delicious nutricious. Bugs? Protein rich, and easy to catch to.






Oh, and I want giant ants. Not those weak ones from New Vegas, I want deadly ants. Ants that can swarm and eat a dragon. Ones that I can take their chitin and make awesome armor.


TL:DR: I rambled. Oh, and learn to read. >_> Its 5 lines of relevant info.

Edited by AntaresCommander
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Priority has to be a hunger/thirst/sleep mod first though in my opinion, complete with a UI that blends into the atmosphere. The UI should also not have persistent bars, but disappear as soon as hunger is full, well rested, or no longer thirsty (like the standard health/magicka/stamina bars).


Like remember, in real life, you don't exactly think about food when you're not hungry, or sleep if you're not tired, etc etc. Your body will only tell you what it needs, WHEN it needs it. This is one complaint I had with the great hunger/thirst/sleep mods for oblivion/FO3.


Otherwise food is so darn useless and yes, it's a dead weight. And it doesn't seem very appriopriate to have a feast right in the middle of battle just to heal up.

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