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Noob Constuction Set Question


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I'm having a really weird problem where random parts of the map refuse to let me alter the terrain, for some reason it just won't let me change it... and its happening all over the map so pretty much any spot I can find gets messed up. See the picture below. (Sorry for bad quality but its a mspaint screencap due to lack of other software.) The goal was to make all the terrain in that screen the gray terrain. As you can see not even half of it will color in. However height will adjust fine. Oh and if it matters I'm running Vista. :thanks: in advance!



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This happens because each cell (or rather quarters of the cell) can only have a certain number of different terrains present. You can fix this by either painting the cell with 1 single terrain texture that's already present in that cell at 100% opacity (making sure you cover every bit) or by having the cell current, and pressing "i" on the keyboard. This will give you a list of the textures being used and their percentage, you can then delete the listings in that window to make room for a new texture.
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