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Xbox 360 Controller Enum Values


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This is a resource for people who want to do controller mods. So far I've compiled this list. Help getting the dpad diagonal enums would be great. Also, does anybody know if there is an enum value for the LIVE button?


Up 0x0001

Down 0x0002

Left 0x0004

Right 0x0008

Start 0x0010

Back 0x0020

L3 0x0040

R3 0x0080

LB 0x0100

RB 0x0200

LT 0x0009

RT 0x000a

A 0x1000

B 0x2000

X 0x4000

Y 0x8000

DpadRight 0x0008

DpadLeft 0x0004

DpadDown 0x0002

DpadUp 0x0001


im not what the enum values are for diagonal dpad input (I suspect its just the addition of 2 adjacent dpad values).

Edited by skyler14
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As far as I know the LIVE-Button is only accessible in some GamesForWindows-Games and only because of some trickery from Microsoft...


The directions for the enum values of the d-pad are:

0x0008 Right

0x0004 Left

0x0002 Down

0x0001 Up


Your enum values for LT and RT are right, btw :)


/shameless plug

Most of this stuff I learned while making my "Better Xbox360 Controller" -Addon.

Edited by Waldkoenig
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Well, in the controlmap.txt you add the values together but it's not an addition :)


You'd write


for Left-Down.


wouldn't work.


yea, i know

btw, is there anyway to have more than 8 favorites yet or do we need need to wait for the creation kit to come out.

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