PILLAT Posted August 16, 2016 Share Posted August 16, 2016 (edited) As the title say i start a new game with my heavy modded skyrim and runs just perfectly, 0 crashes and all my mods working just fine ( tested ), while playing i found that harvesting things didn't appear in my inventory ( in the workbench appears and can combine to create potions ), the potions i create appears in my inventory but, in the inventory the harvesting things like flowers / mushrooms didn't appear at all, also i can't pick at least 2 items because didn't have the option ( salt for example ) i will post my stuff soon Examples of names missing: https://imageshack.us/i/pmASWVF6jhttps://imageshack.us/i/pmgsqmeRj Example of a thing that i can't pick ( i think that is a ineed bug, cos i see some bug reports about this ) : https://imageshack.us/i/pm3s77qMj Loadorder: https://imageshack.us/i/ponIyrdPphttps://imageshack.us/i/poUY0hCaphttps://imageshack.us/i/poyHs3N4p Mods: https://imageshack.us/i/plY0Tgnbphttps://imageshack.us/i/pomU0XGwphttps://imageshack.us/i/pnLYjSsfphttps://imageshack.us/i/poHMASjuphttps://imageshack.us/i/pogIhBTSphttps://imageshack.us/i/pnRfWudAp Skyrim Folder: https://imageshack.us/i/plmXe9u1p Skyrim Data Folder: https://imageshack.us/i/pnx3CulJphttps://imageshack.us/i/pmzGvabIphttps://imageshack.us/i/pndP14B1phttps://imageshack.us/i/ply8Wo1qphttps://imageshack.us/i/pnoLyOWvphttps://imageshack.us/i/pojNZfuophttps://imageshack.us/i/pmaffsLbp Skyrim.ini: https://imageshack.us/i/pljOwiwXp Skyrimprefs: https://imageshack.us/i/pnso2AUYphttps://imageshack.us/i/pl5aJp0Mphttps://imageshack.us/i/pnd3kGg1phttps://imageshack.us/i/powOxeFRp Skse.ini: https://imageshack.us/i/pmkRz6prp Enblocal: https://imageshack.us/i/pn1J1vB3phttps://imageshack.us/i/pnzAPEL5p LOOT ( 2 dirty plugins cos don't know if is save to clean ) : https://imageshack.us/i/pmLla8Vap Thats all the stuff that i touched by myself ( cos required ) Maybe can be a traduction bug ? cos im spanish and have the base game in spanish ( patchusmaximus in english ) Yes ... i know sry :smile: Edited August 17, 2016 by PILLAT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 Hello friend,<As the title say i start a new game with my heavy modded skyrim and runs just perfectly, 0 crashes and all my mods working just fine ( tested )> this is so good to hear that, it changes from what I read usually.^^About your names missing, from what I can see on the pics, you have a mod that edits items, overwritting the names but with no names. Either you don't use this mod, either you edit it with CK or tes5edit to give this mod correct names. This tutorial may help you a bit with Tes5edit. I'd be tempted to say "don't use such mod" because you don't know what other surprise you would have with it. Other solution, you may have a conflict. Suggest you load all your mods with Tes5edit and search for these items to see which mods modify them. You may also do a selective loading but ussually, using Tes5edit is far more faster.<while playing i found that harvesting things didn't appear in my inventory> because they don't have name or because they simply are not in your inventory ? Make sure the mod managing these items is correctly installed, use the author recommandations, make eventually a manual install by extracting all the required files from the archive and overwritting them in your data folder.This problem may be not as simple as it seems, but hey. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PILLAT Posted August 17, 2016 Author Share Posted August 17, 2016 (edited) Hi :) I never touched CK, also i only cleaned with tes5edit the esp / esm that can be cleaned / authors says that is save to clean. In the first image of a missing name im pretty sure that the only mod that changes the atributs is perkus maximus ( i will repatch with spanish idiom to see if that works ) About the thing that i can't pick ( salt ) im also pretty sure that the only mod that touch that is ineed ( tested and working just fine, i will unistall & install again ) Also CCOR / WARF / clutting fixes remade touches values ( values that i tested and seems just fine ) but who knows .... So ... As i say im pretty sure that PatchusMaximus / ineed are the problem PD: i only install mods that i will usePD2: about your question, for example i harvest a flower ( that the name appears when im looking to that flower ) but in the inventory dont appear at all ( in workbench appears with no name ) so i suppost that all is working just fine but another mod is overwritting that stuff ( patchusmaximus i suppost ) Edited August 17, 2016 by PILLAT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 <In the first image of a missing name im pretty sure that the only mod that changes the atributs is perkus maximus ( i will repatch with spanish idiom to see if that works )>If you have cleaned your mods with Tes5edit, you're at least a bit familliar with this program. Loading all your mods with it will show which one is doing such changes. Here is where I think the problem could be. In my case, I spent much time renaming to my own taste every ingredients, misc, etc... And also deleting those items from other mods to manage conflicts and redundant entries. This is how load order is applied, as you can see it's the spell sub-section, but it also works the same for ingredients.It can be also possible that your mod (s) manages the items using scripts. I don't see why they wouldn't have name or wouldn't ne visible in the inventory, but that's also a possibility. Sometimes understanding how mods work is not easy.Hope I'm not misunderstanding your problem :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PILLAT Posted August 17, 2016 Author Share Posted August 17, 2016 I dont have any understanding about tes5edit ( only know how to clean mods ) first i will try the two options ( patchusmaximus / ineed ) and if that doesnt work i will try to learn how to use tes5edit. Thx for all and see you soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 <I dont have any understanding about tes5edit ( only know how to clean mods ) first i will try the two options ( patchusmaximus / ineed ) and if that doesnt work i will try to learn how to use tes5edit.> if I can be helpful don't hesitate to ring me. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PILLAT Posted August 17, 2016 Author Share Posted August 17, 2016 (edited) Hi Darstyler I will post all the stuff that i test in this message so stay tunned 1 - Ineed is working perfectly ( tested by a friend that have the exact loadorder than i have ( without some mods ( perkus maximus / ccor / wafr / clutting remade etc ) ) - i have a list of all his mods so don't worry2 - ¿¿¿patchusmaximus??? ---> DING DONG we have a winner, patchusMaximus was the problem ( cos patched with english version, now with spanish version all ok :smile: ) Here some screenshots: https://imageshack.us/i/pmTHe1g0jhttps://imageshack.us/i/pmvfvaPJjhttps://imageshack.us/i/povZBXYcjhttps://imageshack.us/i/pmeRrmoIjhttps://imageshack.us/i/plTv0PIMjhttps://imageshack.us/i/pmLitBhTjhttps://imageshack.us/i/plXCmMzIjhttps://imageshack.us/i/pn4e4xmnjhttps://imageshack.us/i/pmeKY3Bgj Now i will start a new game and enjoy, again thx for all your support i really apreciate it :smile: Edited August 17, 2016 by PILLAT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 17, 2016 Share Posted August 17, 2016 Aah this is a good new, glad this issue is resolved. Happy gaming :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PILLAT Posted August 18, 2016 Author Share Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) Hi Darsyter ( yes again xD ) Now new annoying bug ... Hi Raulfinim getting low values with some armors/weapons/items, i figured out that ALL of this items are in my idiom ( spanish ) so ... any advice to fix this issue ?Some Examples:https://imageshack.com/i/pnVd7iWmjhttps://imageshack.com/i/plUGzLzojPD: i patched PatchusMaximus with my own idiom ( cos if not i was getting invisible items or missing names )PD2: here all my stuff if you want to know exaclty what im using https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4766885-missing-names-or-invisible-items/ I know perfectly that the issue is again for the language, but don't know how to fix it, i post it in the official page but ... you know .... people don't reply very often. PD: Played around 6h 30m without any problem at all, ahh just awesome :smile: but now i need to fix this annyoning issue Edited August 18, 2016 by PILLAT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 18, 2016 Share Posted August 18, 2016 Hello Pillat, Well the only thing I would do myself at first with that kind of problem is using the Tes5edit tutorial and other tes5edit tips posted above in order to load all my mods to see which one edits the items in question and change values to my own taste. It's the only way I know to figure out and correct this issue. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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